Published Mar 25, 2025 Social Media Platforms Staff

As you can imagine, many of the Army fans have tremendously busy schedules on a day to day basis and that at times does not allow one to view our daily articles and/or video content of

One option that we have provided, which is constantly updating the Army fanbase with what is unfolding inside the wall of the Army Black Knights of West Point is via our social media platforms which include Twitter (‘X’) as well as Instagram and Facebook.

If you can’t make inside the actual content, but would like to get a peek into what is and will be unfolding with Army football, we recommend that you at least take a quick moment to check out out the aforementioned social media pages.

Click on the following for our social media platforms

• Twitter

• Instagram

• Facebook


NOTABLE: There is no substitute for the GBK content itself, along with being on the premium 12th message board … so always attempt to make your way over.

Also, if you visit the social media platforms, please take a moment officially follow us accordingly. TY

**To chat with other Army fans about this article and more, please visit The 12th Knight message board**

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