Our countdown continues, as the Class of 2017 is just 5 days away from officially stepping into the ranks of the Long Gray Line, as well as starting their Army West Point football careers.
GoBlackKnights.com will continue to bring you inside the mindset of several players who make up the incoming class as they discuss their upcoming transition that for many if not all, will be life changing.
For linebacker Christian Gomez, the former Rivals 3-star recruit, who fine-tuned his talents last season at the prep school which has already given him a taste of the West Point culture.
“I feel prepared,” shared Gomez, who now checks in at 6-foot-1, 235 pounds. The prep school is meant to prepare you for the rigors of West Point. What got me through beast there is the same thing that will get me through this year: hard work, determination, and my brothers. Football wise, I had a year at the prep school just to get a taste of what they do at the academy, so I can honestly say I feel prepared and I'm elated for the upcoming season.
“In regards to school and military. I've been going over time management plans. The plans I set up at the prep were meant to be transferred over when I head to the academy. That seems to be my biggest challenge, so I intend to not have that problem this upcoming year.”