Published Feb 4, 2021
FREE - National Signing Day Central 2021
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A.M. Allan
GBK Sr. Recruiting Analyst
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Back on December 16th, it was the first wave of commits who signed and that day has been termed “Early Signing Day”.

Yesterday was the 2nd wave of signees and as always plans to have you front and center with NSD coverage.

As such, were are many pledges that signed today and this is headquarters, so keep it right here.

Needless to say, it has been a crazy recruiting year, as it has been with everything else in 2020. Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, campus visits have been canceled, but schools across the country have been creative, and virtual visits via zoom have been the rule versus the exception.

When it comes to the Army Black Knights 2021 recruiting class, on paper it just might be the best class assembled under Head Coach Jeff Monken’s watch … but then again, only time will tell that.

Let’s take a look at those prospects who have confirmed they signed, along will bringing you their quotes and photos throughout the next 24-hours.

Meet the Class of 2021

"It feel surreal, like I’ve been praying for this day ever since 8th grade and it’s here. I’m very excited and anxious to take the next step."

"It feels great. Signing my NLI lifting a huge burden off of my back knowing that my college future is laid out. I am anxious and ready to get to work."

"This is the best I’ve felt in a long time. My dreams are coming true, and it’s just the beginning. I can’t wait to be apart of the brotherhood. The Black Knights have a tremendous coaching staff and I’m so ready to be apart of it. Big things are coming soon to the Black Knights."

"I feel as if doors have opened for me just by putting my name on a piece of paper and just getting to know the guys I’m going to be on the team. I’m so ready to get to work and show what Black Knights football is all about."

"It feels great knowing that I am putting myself in great hands that I know will set me up well for the future and I am most definitely ready to put on that black and gold and battle with my brothers."

"Now that I have officially signed to WestPoint it’s all I can think about. Everyday I constantly think about the standards I will be held to at West Point and now that I’ve signed I honestly can’t wait to get to WestPoint and be the best person I can be. I know that WestPoint will prepare me for the journey I have ahead and I have faith that I will be able to hold myself to the standard I’m required to meet."

"It feels amazing to officially join the brotherhood and i’m very excited to be a part of West Point. I can’t wait to further my athletic career as a Black Knight."

"Signing yesterday feels surreal because I’ve dreamed of this day for so many years and to actually put my signature on that paper is such an unbelievable moment and a major accomplishment. I'm very excited to take this next step and become apart of the brotherhood with my leadership and athletic abilities to impact this great program and community of dedicated leaders of tomorrow has me very pumped up for my future here at West Point and my lifelong commitment to my country."

“Yes sir it was mixed emotions at first like my high school and childhood Carter and sports have finally brought me to this decision. And now that I’ve signed I’m ready to get up to the school and I want to get there as soon as possible and be apart of the team."

"It’s blessing to play a sport I love and serve my country all in one. That should be anybody dreams. That’s a big step in my life but I’m ready for it and I’m ready to be apart of this brotherhood."

"It feels good to be done with this process and yes I am anxious to get out there an ball out with my guys."

"It feels great to sign to West Point, The feeling to finally sign was a relief and I’m glad my family was a part of it, I am very excited to be a part of the brotherhood and play at the next level."

"It feels great to officially be part of the BROTHERHOOD. I’m very anxious to take the next step because football is my passion and I know West Point will develop me into a man with an amazing future."
